Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Howdy, folks :)

I've decided to create this blog for anybody to post simulations of astronomical or other situations. The immediate situation is that at least two of us on Mike Brown's blog have gotten into discussion where the posters are actually taking time to do simulations. But, it's not "Kevin Heidar's Planets" or "Mike Emmert's Planets", it's "Mike Brown's Planets" and the discussion there is having the effect of hijacking a great blog. It's time I started my own blog, I've got one on MySpace but that's mostly for "people from my hometown" or "musicians".

I have tried to contact some of the other posters but doing that, I realized that with the setup of Blogspot there was no way for anybody to contact ME! OUCH! So, here it is, and a Crystal can be just about any little piece of knowlege, wisdom, humor, humanity, or whatever. As for why I call them "Crystals", it's to put the neat photo of me taken by Meaghan Niven to work :)

I have no more, and almost certainly less, technical proficiency than the average computer user so I guess I'll have to figure out how to work the buttons for such neat features as image posting and things like that. There are always links, of course.

Have fun here. Of course, personal attacks & such will be ruthlessly edited. Oh, well...


-Michael C. Emmert

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